
Showing posts from February, 2019
Our government wants businesses to stop outsourcing. It creates incentives to encourage the hiring of American workers. It implements policies to keep jobs and factories here in the U.S. And while these measures are all well-meaning, none of them ultimately tackle what is the greatest threat to our nation’s long-term economic prosperity—the technical skills gap in our workforce. Couple that with restrictions on immigration, and particularly H1-Bs, and we’re on the brink of a talent vacuum here in the U.S. As someone who works with businesses from around the country, from industries as diverse as manufacturing to architecture and construction, I can tell you that the number one thing that keeps CEOs up at night is the issue of talent. Simply put, there are not enough technically skilled workers out there to meet the demands of these companies. Ultimately, that is what drives factories and jobs overseas – we don’t have the skills to fill all of the needs here at home— the growin...

No More Headaches: alliantgroup's Business Guide to Avoiding Costly Mistakes with the IRS

We here at alliantgroup know that dealing with the IRS can be unpleasant, but being unprepared for such interactions can lead to problems for your business. While many business owners have long-established relationships with trusted tax advisors, they are often not adequately prepared for an IRS audit, and they frequently fail to take advantage of opportunities available to them when filing. Why do these expensive mistakes occur, and what can be done to avoid them? One common cause of these issues is poor communication between business owners and their tax advisors. Businesses can change a lot year to year, and their owners are typically too busy to fully consider the ways in which these changes affect their eligibility for government incentives, like the Research and Development Tax Credit that has inspired the work of alliantgroup. Clear communication between you and your tax advisor can help prevent missed opportunities for your business. Keep in mind that you may be...